Saturday, March 1, 2008

Poem -- A Safer And More Peaceful World

Look at the eagle flying three palms high
Looking down below at man's pathetic slide
From his position of nobility to the abyss of immorality
Over centuries of time and tide.

He says civilization is on the move
From savagery to glorious culture
While, in fact, there is expanding terrorism,
Leading to genocide and torture.

Man says he is happy with the modern gadgets
And all things invented to provide him creature comforts;
But where is Peace within and without
When starved and suffering souls, for a basic living, exert?

Man has polluted everything -- land, water and air
And made them unsafe for all beings
And he has exploited his own fellow-beings
To amass wealth for his ostentatious living.

Will man ever learn to lead a virtuous path
By following the policy of 'Live and let live'
And leave behind him, at the end of his journey,
A safer and more peaceful world that outlives?


To read more of author's poems, readers are requested to go through the following link:

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